Thursday, January 10, 2008

1/10/08 South Dakota - My New Home!

The next morning the weather was good, so we bombed through Nebraska leaving the highway for a lovely road in beautiful snow-covered farm country up into South Dakota and another major highway. We arrived at our destination, Mitchell, South Dakota and stayed at a wonderful clean, modern hotel.

The next day I went to Emery, South Dakota to meet the folks that run “My Home Address” and pick up my new license plates for the RV and tow car. The town has 875 residents, plus an additional 2,000 registered RV families. I then headed back to Mitchell’s DMV, was surprised that they could check my driver’s record in California and thrilled when they announced that I didn’t have to take any of the driver’s tests since I had a spotless record. My new license expires in 2013 and cost $8.00 -- Yipee! Too bad I stayed up until the wee hours studying the handbook…

I met my new Farmer’s Insurance agent. She was surprised that I was so emphatic about having high coverage levels for Uninsured Motorist. In her twelve years in the business, she’d never seen an uninsured motorist claim. No wonder insurance rates are so much cheaper in South Dakota than California – I don’t know that I’ve ever been hit by anyone with insurance or a legal driver’s license.

Life is different in South Dakota than California!

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